
Woman With The Issue of Blood

In January 2015, Prophet Holly Sharp of Ohio spoke to us in our monthly fellowship meeting about “The Woman With The Issue of Blood”.   Here we want to address this special woman who has stood out to us all over the ages with her faith in Jesus.

woman with issue of blood

And behold, a woman, which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years, came behind him ad touched the hem of his garment.  Matthew 9:20

When we go back to the beginning, we read the terrible curse that came due to disobedience back in Paradise  when God said “In sorrow thou shalt bring forth children.”  If you think about it, this has a deeper significance than just the actual delivery of children.  It also reflects that some women will have terrible suffering even though no childbirth actually takes place, while others suffer terribly because of prolonged consequences of child birth.    The quantity of suffering in each woman’s cup varies.  Some are compelled to drink only a few, hasty drops of it while others has  cups filled to the brim. The suffering that women bear is excruciating, be it while they are delivering or afterwards.  It is a suffering made more intense by the fact that much pain is kept in secret.

For that reason it pleases me to notice that the gospel also includes comfort for those who suffer in this way.  It tells us how a woman who suffered from this secret pain also came into direct contact with Jesus.  That woman’s name is unknown, and has perhaps for refinement’s sake been withheld from us.  She is, therefore generally designated as the woman “with an issue of blood” she had gone through a period of intense pain. For twelve long years nothing had been found which could stop the flow of blood.  We are not told whether or not she had retained the disease as the result of child-birth.  That makes no difference.  The important fact is that she was a woman whose energy had flowed from her, not for months, but for a period of years.  Hence, you can imagine how pale, and haggard she must have looked.  And you can get a conception too, of how energetic her faith must have been.  It if had not been so, she would not have dared to mingle with the crowd in public.

And yet she did not dare to go to Jesus to talk to Him about it openly.  She felt ashamed of herself.  Hence, she determined to creep up behind Jesus, and if it should prove possible, to touch the hem of his coat.  Because of that act of faith, energy passed out of Jesus, and for that reason He noticed it  At once the courageous woman was healed.  The blood ceased flowing.

That woman’s faith was all the more remarkable, because of the repeated disappointments with which she had met in those many years.  First she must have gone to the doctors.  That was the perfectly appropriate thing to do, for these are a gift of God to suffering humanity.  Whenever we are afflicted by diseases we should gratefully make use of their services.  But the gift of medicine, like so many others, is quite imperfect, and frequently becomes distorted because of sin.  In the case of this woman, the physicians had not only been unable to help her, but we read, besides that they caused her much pain, and that her illness became worse at their hands.  Perhaps they were not responsible for that.  But they were, at least, guilty of robbing her of her means of livelihood, and of depriving her of the means of getting nourishing food for her weakened body.  Indeed, it could have been easily understood if this woman had despaired of all hope, and had surrendered herself murmuring and complaining to her fate.

But faith prevented despair from mastering her.  A higher grace had accomplished that faith in her heart.  Accordingly, she went to Jesus.  She did not ask Him for medicine, nor did she burden Him with a long story of her suffering  She went there merely to touch the hem of His garment.  Her faith told her that would suffice to heal her  She was right; she returned to her home completely recovered.

Faith can accomplish such stupendous things  Jesus Himself said to her, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”  Her faith had not rejected the assistance of physicians simple because these were imperfect and because they were often greedy.  Her faith induced her to make use of every gift which God had given for the alleviation of suffering; she left no stone unturned to find grace in God’s sight through ordinary means which He had appointed.  Because of faith, however, she did not lose hope when medical aid had failed, but kept on extending her hands to the Omnipotence of the Lord  The Mediator rewards such faith not by healing everyone who suffers, but by preventing despair.  He rewards it by holding before sufferers a vision of the compassion of our God.


1.  What trait in this woman led her to touch Jesus’ garment?

2.  Have you ever been sick with some form of disease?  If so, what trait in you pushed you to Jesus?

April W.O.R.D. Fellowship

We are believing God for a great outpouring of His Spirit through His Word and anointed vessel of God out of Richmond, Virginia.

Join us on Monday night, April 20, 2015 at 7pm EST/6pm CST. Dial (336) 701-3987. NO Pin Required. ALL are Welcome!

Apostle Rose

Leaving Your Past Behind

behind the veil     This morning as I sat in my quiet time with the Lord, the Holy Spirit brought to my remembrance of a video titled “Behind The Veil” by Juanita Bynum.  There are several versions, but He took me to see a new one.  I began to weep as I watched and listened to the words of the song.  This video may seem simple and insignificant to some, but it is life changing for others like me.   Listening this morning to this song caused me to be grateful as I reflect back over my life and especially over this past 14 months and all the things the Lord has brought me through.  I rejoice in knowing that my Heavenly Father watched over me as He does all His children through their mishaps, hiccups and bumps in the road.  He cares and delivers us from the bad choices, wrong turns and misguided instructions of others.  He loves us so much that He died for us years ago knowing that we would have messed up moments.  He provided a means for us to leave our past behind and to come behind the veil.  ~RMW~


What is the specialty of the Proverbs 31 virtuous woman? How can she master, maintain and achieve all of these great and marvelous traits and characteristics?

Mainly because she honors, reverences and fears the Lord!   All of her righteousness, and wonderful positive character traits comes from her right relationship with God the Father and Creator of heaven and earth.

The fear of the Lord God involves much more than mere respect.  It includes knowing Who Jesus is and acknowledging Him as God, confessing your sins, recognizing your faults and failures, and then accepting Jesus Christ as your Lord and personal Savior.  Once you become a new creation in Jesus Christ, you will walk in the newness of like knowing that all things have been passed away and behold all things have become new:

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new. (II Corinthians 5:17)

The Proverbs 31 virtuous woman was once affected by the sin which came upon all men and women through the original sin brought about by Eve in the Garden. The difference between this virtuous woman and the sinful woman is that she is no longer sinful. She has been cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ, being redeemed by the curse of the law and is saved by the power of Jesus Christ.

You may see your life as ruined by by the old sinful nature we all once knew. You may have several characteristics of the sinful woman evident in your life today.  But rest assured that there is hope, healing and restoration available for you.  Right now, through Jesus Christ, you can be transformed from that ugly caterpillar of sinfulness to a beautiful and lovely butterfly of a righteous and virtuous woman. You can be restored to that right relationship with God the Heavenly Father and then let Him develop those beautiful, virtuous characteristics in your life.  In you lies greatness and royalty.  So arise Virtuous Woman!  Arise!

All you have to do right where you are is confess your sins and accept Jesus Christ as your Savior. If you have not already made this commitment, pray to God in your own words and do this right now.

December 12 – January 1 we are in 21 Days of Prayer and Consecration.  We are taking this time to close the year strong and to be ready to enter into a New Year with new vitality, new strength and new purpose in life.  Join us for 15-30 minutes each morning for a time of refreshing in the Word of God and in a time of prayer and consecration.  You can join us by dialing (646) 787-1836.   6am EST/5am CST, Monday – Sunday.

If you should have a special prayer request, email us at: and our prayer warriors will lift you up in prayer consistently until you inform us that your prayer has been answered.  We also welcome any praise reports or comments that you may have of our this blog is being a comfort and encouragement to you.

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Visit our other websites:  Divine Design or  copy & paste  Read our regular Women of Right Design Blog by clicking the link or copy & paste link into your web browser. We look forward to this journey of growing together, being Women of Right Design.

May the Lord bless you and keep you.  May His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you.  May the Lord lift up His countenance upon you and give you peace.  In Jesus Name.